

Personal Wellness Application

Personal Wellness Application
Wellness application helps users define wellness programs and execute them to achieve user goals. This fitness app makes working out fun thanks to thorough gamification. It has been designed for a proprietary Bluetooth LE device. It includes smart analytics module and a huge library of predefined exercises, workouts, images, video and 3D models.


Wellness application helps users define wellness programs and execute them to achieve user goals. This fitness app makes working out fun thanks to thorough gamification. It has been designed for a proprietary Bluetooth LE device. It includes smart analytics module and a huge library of predefined exercises, workouts, images, video and 3D models.

Businessware experts developed application for iOS operating system. It features more than 100 seated, standing and advanced fast and fun low-impact workouts. User may set reminders about upcoming workouts.

The App personalizes workouts to each user's fitness level, tracks progress and allows users to exercise while playing games, designed by independent gaming studios. The application connects to the Azure cloud, thus user may easily use one account across different devices with all achievements unlocked and access to the biggest paid library of exercises or new games.

As for games, we created special plugin that allows game-developers to use fitness-device in their games. Thus users may play in singleplayer and multiplayer games.

The first prototypes of device and mobile application were presented on Consumer Electronics Show in 2014. Since that time application and fitness-device have been changed for few times. In 2017 the final version of the device and app were presented again on CES.

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